Why let dreamy clients stumble around in the Wild West of Google when you could light a path directly to your doorstep? We’ll harness the power of SEO to boost your photography website to the top of their search. Can I get a heck yeah for consistent inquiries and a boost in bookings? 

Why let dreamy clients stumble around in the Wild West of Google when you could light a path directly to your doorstep?

We’ll harness the power of SEO to boost your photography website to the top of their search. Can I get a heck yeah for consistent inquiries and a boost in bookings? 

SEO for wedding photographers

Make your business seriously simple to find.

It’s not you, it’s your SEO workflow.

You’ve worked your booty off (and likely spent a pretty penny) to create a website you know will knock the socks off of the right couples. But without properly optimizing your site, it’s simply floating out there in the virtual world with no way to be found. 

But when you weave search engine optimization (SEO) into your strategy, you’re dropping crumbs for couples to find and follow, lining their route with clear signs that lead them straight to the heartfelt, soul-led photographer they’ve been looking for. 

Don’t let the complex tech jargon spook you –

Does your website feel like a ghost town?

I’m here to make it seriously simple to understand and even easier to spotlight your brand.

Here’s why SEO for wedding photographers is the way to go:

While social media algorithms shift with the wind – Google is Old Faithful. 

SEO is a slow-burn, long-term game. But it’s results are evergreen, lasting for years to come. 

Analytic tools allow you to track how visitors find you, making guesswork a thing of the past. 

While social media algorithms shift with the wind –
Google is Old Faithful. 

SEO is a slow-burn, long-term game. But it’s results are evergreen, lasting for years to come. 

Analytic tools allow you to track how visitors find you, making guesswork a thing of the past. 

I’ll be the first to admit that my industry has a knack for sounding intimidating and if I’m honest…downright boring. On top of that, many experts know nothing about wedding photography. So I understand why you might not be gung ho over SEO. 

As a former photographer myself, I understand how couples think, where they’re looking, and what they’re likely typing into the search bar. Don’t worry, I’ve got the experience, results, & analytical tools to prove it, too. 

And I’ve bundled it all up into an offer designed to establish strong roots for your brand , climb the ranks of the Google links, and send ideal clients where they belong – straight to you.

But let’s be honest, you’re a seasoned pro who knows you need it. 

Giving your digital home its rightful place on the map.

SEO Services for Photographers


The SEO Refresh

Not all who wander are lost, they just haven’t found the photographer they’re looking for. When you optimize your website to Google’s liking, you’re sending detailed directions that separate you from the herd and push your work to the front of the pack. Check your mailbox often, a consistent flow of inquiries is comin’ your way. 


The SEO Refresh

Not all who wander are lost, they just haven’t found the photographer they’re looking for. When you optimize your website to Google’s liking, you’re sending detailed directions that separate you from the herd and push your work to the front of the pack. Check your mailbox often, a consistent flow of inquiries is comin’ your way. 

in-depth training on setting up Google Business Profile

bonus 1

updates for title tags, meta descriptions, headers, alt text SEO, and file names & sizes

Learn how to optimize your profile for maximum visibility.

explaining how to make changes on your own & track performance after the project has wrapped 


bonus 2

Transform client testimonials into powerful SEO boosters with templates designed to guide your clients in writing reviews that have a huge impact on your rankings.

In-depth keyword research

*payment plans available*



In-depth keyword research 
Refresh of 3 website pages SEO
Sitemap submission to Google 
Optimization of 2 existing blogs 
1 new blog highlighting a gallery of your choice
List of technical issues (I’ll fix the minor ones!) 
Walkthrough Loom video

in-depth training on setting up Google Business Profile

bonus 1

updates for title tags, meta descriptions, headers, alt text SEO, and file names & sizes

Learn how to optimize your profile for maximum visibility.

explaining how to make changes on your own & track performance after the project has wrapped 


bonus 2

Transform client testimonials into powerful SEO boosters with templates designed to guide your clients in writing reviews that has a huge impact on your rankings.

Refresh of 3 website pages SEO
Sitemap submission to Google
In-depth keyword research
*payment plans available*



Optimization of 2 existing blogs
1 new blog highlighting a single gallery of your choice
List of technical issues
Walkthrough Loom video
I'll fix the minor ones!

The proof is in the pudding & SEO is serving up some real results in these digital homesteads.

When SEO strategy turns into money in the bank

S-E-Okaaaaaaay, look at her!

Ideal clients can’t miss ya when you’re on page #1 of Google!

Smoke and the Sea Photography

"I'm so happy with my decision to work with Rachelle! Not only is she extremely knowledgeable in her field, but she's relentlessly kind, supportive, and responsive. Not to mention that my results were fantastic! I would choose to work with her again 100 times over." 

"I would choose to work with her 100 times over!"

Website & Competitor Analysis 

Peeking into the back-end of competitor’s homes isn’t foul play – it’s smart thinking & we use it to rank higher overall.

The Process

My signature checklist for every SEO project

We want high-volume searches with low competition that are specific to your location, style, & goals.

SEO Keywords for Photographers

You can impress Google while also capturing the hearts of potential clients with on-brand words that pack the SEO punch. 


If an optimized site is the address to your business, blogs flip on the porch light and make sure you’re being seen for the long term.


Make sure the search engines are categorizing your content correctly and your site is visible for the right people to see. 


Many factors can affect how your website will rank. Even if it’s out of my specialty, you’ll know exactly what’s going on & who to consult for help.


There’s no guessing in SEO strategy, we’ll use tools to monitor what’s working well and where we can improve over time.


Website & Competitor Analysis 

Peeking into the back-end of competitor’s homes isn’t foul play – it’s smart thinking & we use it to rank higher overall.

The Process

My signature checklist for every SEO project


We want high-volume searches with low competition that are specific to your location, style, & goals.


You can impress Google while also capturing the hearts of potential clients with on-brand words that pack the SEO punch. 


If an optimized site is the address to your business, blogs flip on the porch light and make sure you’re being seen for the long term.


Make sure the search engines are categorizing your content correctly and your site is visible for the right people to see. 


Many factors can affect how your website will rank. Even if it’s out of my specialty, you’ll know exactly what’s going on & who to consult for help.


There’s no guessing in SEO strategy, we’ll use tools to monitor what’s working well and where we can improve over time.

But hold your horses, the work doesn’t stop with an optimized website.

You need blog writing services and well, I’ve got ‘em all! Whether you’ve written blogs that need revamping, need just a post or two, or want to bring me on for a monthly blogging partner, you’ll find everything you need by clicking below. 

Up Next, Blogging:

Not necessarily. Not all designers or copywriters specialize in SEO or include it in their packages. If you didn’t chatted about SEO, it’s likely that your site is not optimized. The good news is that you can always update your website to rank higher!

The best SEO results take three to six months and beyond. It’s definitely not a quick fix, as search engines use more than 200 factors to rank your site. The best results require ongoing effort, like keyword-driven blogging and gaining trusted links back to your site, which takes time and consistency.

Yes! For example, UberSuggest allows you to select your target keywords and track how they are ranking over time. 

To measure your overall visibility, there are a variety of online tools! Free SEO tools include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and UberSuggest (but their paid version is worth it, in my opinion)!

Of course! But it does take work, expertise, and ultimately, time. That’s why the best time to invest in your website SEO is right now. The more data you have over time, the more you understand what strategy works best for you, and the more likelihood you have of seeing impactful results. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The best SEO results take three to six months and beyond. It’s definitely not a quick fix, as search engines use more than 200 factors to rank your site. The best results require ongoing effort, like keyword-driven blogging and gaining trusted links back to your site, which takes time and consistency.

How long does SEO take to work? 

To measure your overall visibility, there are a variety of online tools! Free SEO tools include Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and UberSuggest (but their paid version is worth it, in my opinion)!

How do you measure SEO strategy?

Yes! For example, UberSuggest allows you to select your target keywords and track how they are ranking over time. 

Can I do a ranking SEO check for specific keywords?

Of course! But it does take work, expertise, and ultimately, time. That’s why the best time to invest in your website SEO is right now. The more data you have over time, the more you understand what strategy works best for you, and the more likelihood you have of seeing impactful results. 

Is SEO worth it? 

Not necessarily. Not all designers or copywriters specialize in SEO or include it in their packages. If you didn’t chatted about SEO, it’s likely that your site is not optimized. The good news is that you can always update your website to rank higher!

Someone else designed or wrote my website. Is it optimized for SEO?

Not necessarily. Not all designers or copywriters specialize in SEO or include it in their packages. If you didn’t chatted about SEO, it’s likely that your site is not optimized. The good news is that you can always update your website to rank higher!

Someone else designed or wrote my website. Is it optimized for SEO?

Not sure if you need The SEO Refresh ? Or feel like saddling up and doing it yourself? Snag the SEO Audit Workshop for a free guide to inspect your searchability and renovate with visibility in mind. 

Looking for a freebie that doesn’t fool around?

Not sure if you need The SEO Refresh? Or feel like saddling up and doing it yourself? Snag the SEO Audit Workshop for a free guide to inspect your searchability and renovate with visibility in mind. 

Looking for a freebie
that doesn’t fool around?

 Somewhere out there, 

It’s time to send ‘em some SEO smoke signals and guide them home, don’t you think? 

your dreamiest clients are practically begging for help to find their way to you. 

Book the SEO Refresh

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